The Story

The story of Jenny Harriott Foundation begins with my beloved maternal grandmother Wilhelmina Harriott (1902-2005). I had the privilege in 2002 to celebrate her 100th birthday in Jamaica, and to spend precious times with her between 2002 and 2004 during an extended  visit to Jamaica. She inspired my curiosity to learn more about her life and history. During the 100th birthday visit, I took copious notes during many late-night discussions, tearing the pages from a small notebook (that I still have to this day). These notes became the catalyst for genealogical research some nine years later, when I created a family history site. It was 2011 and I was working hard on my PhD thesis. When I needed some respite, I would work on the family tree, quickly tracing ancestors to six generations. However, the time constraints imposed by academic life stalled any further forays into my ancestral history until 2023 – that is when I found my great, great, great, great grandmother, Jenny Harriott in the 1832 Colonial Slave Registry at the National Archives in Kew, London, United Kingdom. I created this Foundation in her honour to ensure that her history and legacy are never forgotten.

Dr Deborah Gabriel, Founder of Jenny Harriott Foundation

Image Reference

Montage of photos of Dr Deborah Gabriel with Wilhelmina Harriott in 1968 and 2003. © Dr Deborah Gabriel